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Tuesday Morning Group

Tuesdays at 6a.
Meets at Bethany downstairs (Office entrance)

Join us for our weekly in person men's Bible study.

Online zoom group

Wednesdays at 6a. 

Join us for our weekly online group to start your day with encouragement and the Bible with other guys.

Coffee & Donuts

One Saturday of each month at 8a.
Meets at Bethany downstairs (Youth entrance by playground)

Join us once a month to come hang out with other guys and start your weekend with coffee and donuts.

Conquer Series

New Group Starting January 23rd.
This group is a great resource for all men as they approach the realities of the temptations they are faced with every day.

Pillar Group

This class is the next step after the Conquer Series.

Through the Seven Pillars of Freedom you’ll start to understand your whole story and identify what contributes to your sexual brokenness. You will begin your recovery from unwanted sexual behavior with a trusted group of men on the same journey. Through Seven Pillar’s guided lessons and a trusted community, you will develop the tools necessary to break free, heal your relationship, and take back your life. 

Stay up to date by joining our Bethany Men's Facebook group!

  • Bethany Men's Facebook
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